Products and packaging may vary slightly from their pictures. We have taken reasonable steps to display product information as accurately as possible. However, the images of the products and packaging on our website are for illustrative purposes only. Your product may vary slightly from those images.
In-stock items ship within 2-3 days. We juggle shipping duties with other tasks in the workshop here, and typically have shipping days twice per week. If there is an anticipated delay in shipment times we will make a public notice of our unavailability on the home page of this website.
Shipping services and rates. We currently ship exclusively via DHL Priority Mail . We charge a weight based rate that reflects our actual shipping and handling costs. If you have special shipping needs, please contact us before you place your order to determine if we can accommodate your needs.
Any duties, taxes, brokerage fees, clearance fees, or any other fees imposed @ the destination country are the responsibility of the purchaser.