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//VGA camera feedback operator

Get start! camvas, the latest device in the Graphicsynth family.

New possibilities for making video art with an internal camera.

Let's scroll down to see more In depth camvas now!


Canvas is a compact, capturable device that creates abstract pixel art and feedback operations for significant pixels.

Connect the Stylophone to your computer and other gear to enhance your sound possibilities! Use a 3.5mm Stereo cable to connect into the line input on your PC, and use your preferred software to record and manipulate your Stylophone sounds.

when starting the device; pixels will appear at the center and run completely synchronized with the image sensor. It means the device is ready to play.

   Try moving around X | Y stick to control the frame position. and activate scroll is on. 

   shifting color value and pixel scale are primary functions to create cascading space pixels.

Since the first graphicsynth series was released, analog NTSC has generated color with DAC as well, but it cannot be implemented with bits directly without ADC conversion.

   Now camvas head into a VGA system, which provides a significant number of bits to determine each color value directly.


   Each 3-bit pixel value is processed in a microsecond and stored as a single block passing through the horizontal line. When a block runs until the end of the last line at the vertical sync black porch, the block continuously processes at the top line again, which is called a frame.    ​



camvas, ingredients


   - OV7670 is a small CMOS image sensor that is commonly used in microcontroller-based                    projects such as robotics, home automation, and image processing applications.

   - ESP-WROOM-32.


   - using espcam-library esp32vga


   -5 V USB C

   -internal flexible mount camera 320*240 

   -VGA 640*480, 3-bit colors 

   -audio buffer stereo 3.5 mm

   -xy controller

   -external 4-channel CV input

   -internal wav gnerator


*VGA as abbreviate of Video Graphic Array

*OV7670 is a small CMOS image sensor that is commonly used in microcontroller-based projects such as robotics, home automation, and image processing applications.


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